4 Ways to Get in the Game

Maybe you’re not a football fan but trust me you will totally get these 4 ways to get in the game, and I’m almost positive you’ll want to get started after reading this email.

1. Get off the bench: This is where it begins. In order to get in the game, in order to build or enhance your brand you have to get out there and go for it. How many of us are guilty of looking at others and thinking ,”Wow, they sure are doing their thing” and we allow that little green monster to jump on our shoulder and we start to compare. Sometimes we even allow doubt to creep into our minds (ask me how I know). I can’t make this stuff up. Here’s the trick, YOU have to get into the game TOO. You’ve been wanting to build your business, your non-profit, write your book, but for some reason you haven’t been able to jump start it. I encourage you, I challenge you, no actually, I dare you to start today.

2. Study the playbook: Every team has a game plan; the plan may have different plays depending on who the team is playing. What’s your game plan? Your brand needs a plan. You need to understand your purpose, key messages, your audience, what’s your niche, what sets your brand apart from the rest. Your “playbook” doesn’t have to be a 25 page report, but you can start with your notebook of ideas. I know you have one, or you have a few notes in your phone or yellow stickies on your bathroom mirror where you’ve started brainstorming that “thing”, or you’ve started mapping out how you’re going to take your brand to the next level. You’re off the bench, now you need a plan.

3. Don’t be a sore loser: You’ve seen helmets thrown, pushing and shoving; you’ve even seen the “no comment” interviews. Nobody likes to lose, it’s not fun. But here’s the truth, losing is part of the game and sometimes it’s okay. We learn from our mistakes to better prepare for the next challenge. The best thing is, when you do WIN, because you will WIN, you will appreciate the time when your idea failed, or your first product didn’t sell like you wanted it to, because you learned from that experience and produced something even BIGGER and BETTER!

4. Be a team player: Have you ever seen one player win a game on his own? He may have gotten the most yards or the most passes or catches, but someone had to block for him and someone else had to throw him the ball. You can’t do it by yourself. Surround yourself with a good team.These are people you trust; the folks you can call on for advice, the one’s that will review the first chapter of your book, or give you feedback on your logo, or even design your logo. You must surround yourself with people that you know will always have your back.

At some point you have to accept that it’s your time, and if you don’t do anything else at least try #1. You will be amazed at what can come from just taking the initiative.Have you ever seen one player win a game on his own?

You know I love to hear from you – Drop me a note and let me know how things are going. I’m in the game with you, and hard at work on this end. I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Trecia WarnholzComment