Join the 30 Day Brand-Inspo Challenge


Since the start of the new year, I have been doing a lot of meditating, and taking time for quiet introspection. I didn’t make a long list of resolutions this year but I simply vowed to do better...well not just better, but I want to make a conscious effort to Operate in Excellence (no pressure right?). But, I have to tell you, having this very intentional shift in my mindset has made a difference in how I have approached opportunities, how I translate new ideas and, how I interact with people. It’s all been very refreshing and a true spiritual renewal.

So...I’ve shared all of that to say I want all of us to do better in 2020. I want us all to thrive in our businesses, in our careers; building our brands and shaping our side hustles. I especially want us to invest in our personal brands!

As I continuously work on my own personal brand- because I need to do the work as well. I can't just talk about it I need to be about. I found it important to do one thing each day to build, maintain and to enhance my brand. Some things are straightforward, like just taking a short walk around the block, down the street, or around the hallway. Yep, I know exactly what you're thinking "how in the world does taking a walk help my personal brand?" Well, I've had some of my best ah-ha moments during my walks, so don't sleep on the benefits of a nice stroll. Other tasks can require more effort like, sitting down to review my my elevator speech and seeing what I can do to tweak or enhance it.

To help us, I’ve created a 30-day calendar Brand-Inspo Challenge. But, in order for us to do this together, I need you to download the calendar, save it on your phone, take a screenshot, or print it out, whatever works for you to access it daily. Then, I need you make sure we're connected on Instagram and/or Facebook, because I’m going to provide additional support and guidance along the way. This is going to be a team effort!


It’s a new month and a great opportunity to do something different to get new, better or different results. This is my personal challenge to you to invest in your personal brand today. I’m going to check in weekly to see how you’re doing. Remember, building your personal brand is simply putting your purpose into action. This is us taking the steps to operationalize our purpose, to make our marks in the world. Let's go!

P.S. I know there are 31 days in March, but the goal is that by day 31 you're so motivated you will have already identified your own task to help your brand!!

Feel free to SEND ME A NOTE if you have any questions!

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