A Few of My Favorite Things: Personal Branding Edition

Are you counting down - Just a week until Christmas!

Choosing the perfect Christmas gift can feel like navigating a maze of possibilities, each option accompanied by the uncertainty of whether it truly captures the recipients joy. In the dance of selecting the ideal present, the struggle lies not just in finding something they’ll like, but also considering their preference and desires.

From the comforting warmth of a cup of hot tea to the captivating pages of a beloved devotional, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite things. Join me as we delve into some of my cherished favorites'; exploring the simple pleasures that help me with staying motivated, inspired and creative.

Maybe you have a bestie or a good sister-friend who is navigating her personal brand journey, gearing up for career opportunities in the upcoming year, or contemplating the implementation of ideas that have been brewing throughout this past year. In light of this, I've compiled a list of my favorites that resonate with key actions for aligning with your purpose, constructing your personal brand and simply just maintaining in life!

  • A Stylish Journal (WRITE) - Journaling not only provides a space for introspection but it is also a tool for self-discovery and emotional well-being. With journaling you can express thoughts, reflect on experiences, and cultivate a deeper connection to your ideas as you craft your personal brand.

    *My favorite: Be Rooted Spiral bound and lined journal

  • A Cup of Tea (SELF-CARE) - Indulging in a warm cup of tea becomes a comforting act of self-care, offering a moment to unwind, reflect, and rejuvenate. This gift will be a reminder that it’s imperative that you take care of yourself as you’re making moves . 

*My favorite: Tea Forte Relaxing Tea Sampler

  • A 30-day Devotional (READ) - Devotionals really do serve a variety of purposes and depending on the topic, you may use it differently. A devotional can become a valuable aid for reading, providing a focused and contemplative approach to enhance your understanding and connection.

    *My favorite: Purpose. Passion. People, a 30-day devotional to help you activate your purpose and build your personal brand. 

  • Aromatherapy Shower Steamers (REST) - Imagine a world without the vital practice of rest—its significance cannot be overstated. Whether it's stealing a Sunday nap or using shower steamers for a calming shower before you climb in the bed, both avenues aid in fostering relaxation, and setting the stage for much needed rest.

*My favorite: Bath & Body Works - Lavender & Vanilla Shower Steamers

  • A Mind Challenge (CREATE) - Sometimes we get stuck in our thoughts, however, curated prompts can serve as catalysts for creativity. They can spark inspiration and help guide your thoughts in unique directions. Finding ways to fuel your imagination ultimately contributes to an innovative mindset.

    *My favorite: Creative Block - 100+ playful prompts

Consider gifting your friend with one of these favorites; these thoughtful gifts not only show your support but also serve as empowering tools for their journey of building their personal brand. Let your bestie know - this isn’t just a token but a practical resource that can contribute to their growth and success.

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